Monthly Archives: June 2012

Emotion marketing; you have to love it

As the owner of a startup company, where any frivolous spending is a really bad idea, I had to rely on my intuition and experience in my efforts to position my product. This task became all the more difficult when we started working on the actual wording that would convey our messages. With no time, or funds, and yet fully and painfully aware of the importance of “words” and the potential risk they represent if you get things wrong, I started thinking about finding and using some tools to help me evaluate the quality and direction I was taking with my messages.

Given that we are a B2B company focusing on selling translations, our core values (and the “words” that will surround our messages to our potential customers have to be “toned down” significantly (for reasons that should be clear by the end of this entry). However, I believe that our methodology and tool-set is ideal for companies that sell to consumers. Here are some thoughts about this that you may find interesting:
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Filed under eCommerce, Emotion Marketing, Marketing